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Intuitive ReadingS

Personal guidance designed to clarify the life-path, explore manifestation, and create the life desired.
To get the most out of your reading, it is best to have some questions prepared in advance.

60 minutes $100

30 minutes $60

Intuitive Tarot

A combination of direct psychic guidance from your angels and guides, and Tarot spreads which give information about every area of your life.  These readings are designed to help you to raise your vibration, release toxic energy and bring more generalized balance and harmony into your life.    


60 MIN: $100

30 MIN: $60
In-Person, Phone or Zoom


Feeling Stuck? Is there a specific issue you have been working on and just can seem to get at?


Try a Speed Clearing Process to move the energy.


Energetic Cords bind us to past patterns of behavior, relationships, thoughts and feelings.

Cutting old cords in a Cord Cutting Process frees you to vibrate at a higher frequency.


60 MIN: $100

30 MIN: $60
In-Person, Phone or Zoom

Channeled Readings

Theresa has been channeling Ascended Master Guides and Archangels for over 30 years.  During a channeled reading she will access the guidance which is most relevant to your current evolution.  Channeled readings tend to reveal the answers to questions about spiritual growth, and often help you to uncover the reasons behind what is currently manifesting in your life.


45 MIN: $90

30 MIN: $60
In-Person, Phone or Zoom

Akashic Records Readings

The Akashic Records hold information about every action on this planet, past present and future.  These readings can be especially helpful to assist you in understanding present relationships.  Past lives are easily accessed here.


45 MIN: $90

In-Person, Phone or Zoom

Still have questions? 

Have a question about Theresa's readings? Get in touch to learn more.

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