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Metaphysical Coaching

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Ready to make a commitment to
moving forward in your life?


SPIRIT SONG COACHING is a process for aligning with your Soul. 
The intention is to evolve through joy and ease by focusing on what is desired. The program consists of 8 appoint
ments, one per week for 8 weeks.  I will work with you each week to discover, enhance, and streamline your journey using metaphysical tools to facilitate the process. 


$525 for 8 sessions

Theresa creates a program tailor-made for each individual.​



  • To get started the student commits to 8 appointments. 


  • These appointments consist of 3 in person sessions and 5 phone appointments. 

  • The first in-person appointment is for basic organization, and may or may not include a reading.

  • The second in-person appointment will be a reading or an energy healing session.

  • The third in-person appointment could be a reading, energy healing or meditation/graduation. 

  • The 5 phone appointments may consist of meditation, long distance healing, and/or mental energy alignment work.


  • You must be willing to make a commitment to your personal growth for 8 weeks or 8 months, if you would like to connect monthly rather than weekly.


If you're ready to make a change, click below to connect with Theresa today!

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Spirit Song Coaching is unique.

During our 8 sessions, we will work with: 

  1. Affirmations and Affirmative Prayer

  2. Energy alignment techniques from Abraham-Hicks

  3. Intuitive Counseling and Tarot to pinpoint direction and uncover blocks

  4. Invocation of Angels and Ascended Masters

  5. Meditation

  6. Reiki and other non-physical energy healing techniques

Have questions about Spirit Song? 

Get in touch with Theresa now.

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